There is the case where there are the three factors of the donor, the three factors of the recipients.
Three factors of the donor:
1. There is the case where the donor, before giving, is glad.
2. While giving, his/her mind is bright & clear.
3. After giving is gratified.
The three factors of the recipients:
1. Free of passion or are practicing for the subduing of passion.
2. Free of aversion or practicing for the subduing of aversion.
3. Free of delusion or practicing for the subduing of delusion.
"Just as it is not easy to take the measure of the great ocean as 'just this many buckets of water, just this many hundreds of buckets of water, just this many thousands of buckets of water, or just this many hundreds of thousands of buckets of water.' It is simply reckoned as a great mass of water, incalculable, immeasurable. In the same way, it is not easy to take the measure of the merit of a donation thus endowed with six factors as 'just this much a bonanza of merit, a bonanza of what is skillful — a nutriment of bliss, heavenly, resulting in bliss, leading to heaven — that leads to what is desirable, pleasing, charming, beneficial, pleasant.' It is simply reckoned as a great mass of merit, incalculable, immeasurable."
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