1. There is the course of action that is unpleasant to do and that, when done, leads to what is unprofitable (not worth doing for both reasons).
2. There is the course of action that is unpleasant to do but that, when done, leads to what is profitable (Wise after reflecting will do it, fool will not reflect and will not do it).
3. There is the course of action that is pleasant to do but that, when done, leads to what is unprofitable (Wise after reflecting will not do it, fool will not reflect and will do it).
4. There is the course of action that is pleasant to do and that, when done, leads to what is profitable (worth doing for both reasons).
AN 4.115
PTS: A ii 118
Thana Sutta: Courses of Action
translated from the Pali by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Reflection of action mind, body and speech is the key difference between the wise and the fool (better translated as skillful and unskillful). Reflection should ideally be done before, during and after each action)
Please read the post below:What is a mirror for? Reflection. In the same way...
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